Connecting dots for digital learning and teaching

Self-Directed Learning Well Explained and 27 Actions has a series of posts about self-directed learning by Terry Heick and the staff, well worth a read!

Learning is most effective when it’s personalised; it means something to the learner. That happens when people feel they are participants and investors in their own learning, shaping what and how they learn, and able to articulate its value to them.” — Leadbeater, Charles

The Independent Project

The students in the Independent Project are remarkable but not because they are exceptionally motivated or unusually talented. They are remarkable because they demonstrate the kinds of learning and personal growth that are possible when teenagers feel ownership of their high school experience, when they learn things that matter to them and when they learn together. In such a setting, school capitalizes on rather than thwarts the intensity and engagement that teenagers usually reserve for sports, protest or friendship.

We have tried making the school day longer and blanketing students with standardized tests. But perhaps children don’t need another reform imposed on them. Instead, they need to be the authors of their own education.

Self-Directed Learning Through A Culture Of “Can”

The long-term output of any school should be not just proficient students, but enabled learners. An “enabled” learner can grasp macro views, uncover micro details, ask questions, plan for new knowledge and transfer thinking across divergent circumstances. This doesn’t happen by content “knowledge holding,” or even by the fire of enthusiasm, but by setting a tone for learning that suggests possibility, and by creating a culture of can.

First, it’s important to realize that a “culture” is comprised of tangible factors (students) and intangible factors (curiosity). It is also ever-present — it exists whether or not we as educators acknowledge it. It precedes formal learning and will last long after that formal learning experience has passed.

Learning Can
If a learner is develop a sense of can, he or she must learn it.

While some students have more natural confidence or initiative than others, can is slightly different than confidence. Can is a mix of knowledge and self-efficacy that has been nurtured through experience — by consistently meeting both internally and externally created goals judged by standards that are also both internally and externally drawn.

Read more.

The Four Stages Of The Self-Directed Learning Model

self-directed learning

What You Need To Know About Self-Directed Learning


What It Is: The process of teaching one’s self, or “Self-directing” through the learning process

Why Do It: Engagement, self-pacing, and free

What You Need: Hardcopy, digital (e.g., learnist), accessibility, content control, location free (mobile learning)

Tips & Tricks: Self-assessment, momentum, planning, variety, projects

Problems & Challenges: Procrastination, laziness, misguidance, lack of motivation, time management

Famous Self-Taughts (Autodidacts): Leonardo Da Vinci, William Blake, Herb Rits (in addition to Virginia Woolf, Mark Twain, John D. Rockefeller, and many others)

Why It’s Especially Relevant In 2013: Modern access to information and formal (e.g., MOOCs and free eLearning sources) and informal (video games and simulations) learning platforms make self-directed learning more accessible–and powerful–than ever before

27 Actions That Promote Self-Directed Learning

  1. Challenge something
  2. Make an observation
  3. Draw a conclusion
  4. Question something
  5. Revise a question based on observation & data
  6. Critique something
  7. Observe something
  8. Revise something
  9. Transfer a lesson or philosophical stance from one situation to another
  10. Improve a design
  11. Identify a cause and effect
  12. Compare and contrast two or more things
  13. Test the validity of a model
  14. Separate causes from symptoms
  15. Identify the primary and secondary causes of a problem
  16. Adapt something for something new
  17. Make a prediction and observe what occurs
  18. Narrate a sequence
  19. Study and visually demonstrate nuance
  20. Identify and explain a pattern
  21. Study the relationship between text and subtext
  22. Elegantly emphasize nuance
  23. Critically evaluate a socially-accepted idea
  24. Extract a lesson from nature
  25. Take & defend a position
  26. Record notes during and after observation of something
  27. Form a theory & revise it based on observation and/or data

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“Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I will understand.” -------- Chinese Wisdom "Games are the most elevated form of investigation." -------- Albert Einstein
"I'm calling for investments in educational technology that will help create digital tutors that are as effective as personal tutors, educational software as compelling as the best video game," President Barack Obama said while touring a tech-focused Boston school (year 2011).